Implant dentures in Sycamore are considered the most superior form of tooth replacement available. When compared to other alternatives like dentures and dental bridges, these prosthetics deliver one-of-a-kind results that can last 30+ years or more. If you are looking to repair and restore your smile permanently, call Grand Dental – Sycamore today to schedule a consultation.
Patients who prefer a permanent tooth replacement solution will likely choose implant dentures as opposed to dentures or dental bridges. Unlike these more traditional tooth replacement options that only replace the visible portions (the crowns) of teeth, implant dentures go beyond the gumline to also fix the roots of teeth.
As a result, these prosthetics are a more natural solution that not only looks like real teeth but acts like them as well.
Placed into the jawbone, they offer continuous stimulation and make it easier to eat and speak without fear of embarrassment.
When meeting with your implant dentist to discuss your options, you’ll discover there are two types of dentures to choose from:
As a hybrid prosthetic, a fixed implant denture uses between four and six implant posts and requires a dense jawbone for maximum support. It can only be removed by a trusted dental professional and allows for easier daily cleaning.
These “Snap-On” dentures are easy to remove and do not require as much jawbone density. This is a great option for someone who lacks the necessary support and prefers to avoid bone grafting beforehand. Needing only 2-5 implant posts, these prosthetics can be taken out at night and cleaned apart from the rest of your mouth.
The complete implant denture procedure is a 4-step process that requires patients to complete each phase before moving on to the next. It does require a lot of time and patience, so you must commit to the entire process before starting.
First, you’ll begin by meeting with your implant dentist in Sycamore to discuss how you will move forward with implant dentures. After evaluating your smile, we will determine if you need bone grafting, periodontal therapy, or any other pre-implant procedures. Once you are ready, we’ll begin to place your implant posts with a surgical procedure that requires making small incisions in your gums.
Placing each implant post into its designated spot, we’ll close the gum tissue and place healing caps over the areas before sending you home to recover. While at home, you’ll need to follow the detailed instructions provided to you by our dental team. During this time, you’ll discover that the bone and implants are fusing – a process known as osseointegration.
Once this is complete, you’ll return to our office to receive your metal abutments – small connector appliances that attach the implant to your restoration – put into place. When ready, you’ll have your customized denture placed on top of your dental implants and secured in place.
There are three unique factors that your dentist must evaluate before determining how best to move forward with your tooth replacement. We’ll check your oral health to make sure that you are not suffering from periodontal disease, and we’ll inquire about your overall health.
Living with certain conditions or health problems (i.e., heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis), can make achieving successful results a bit harder.
We’ll also look at your jawbone density to determine if a fixed denture is what you can expect to receive, or if you need a removable denture.
Dentures and dental implants may not seem like two things that would go together, but at Grand Dental – Sycamore, we are pleased to bring these two prosthetics together to create a permanent tooth replacement solution for our patients. Apart from the confidence you can expect to achieve with this kind of prosthetic, you can also expect these additional benefits:
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